The Web Design Success Blog
Helping Your Business Succeed on the Web
Business Week Article Shows SEO Increases Revenue
SEO Increases RevenuesJust another example of how realign/redesigning your website with SEO can increase revenue. While us in the SEO industry already know this little tidbit, it was nice to see an article written in Business Week about how SEO and a properly designed website can increase revenues. The redesign and search...
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People over 30 should be dead...?
IronyRan across this list and had to post it. Ever wonder when the pendulum is going to swing back the other way? Our baby cribs were covered with bright colored lead-based paint.We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets, and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets. As children,...
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Subscribing to RSS Feeds is Even Easier Now
Subscribing to RSS FeedsWhy RSS Feeds are going to become even more important.I've been a big believer in RSS feeds ever since I first heard about them. Now that IE 7 has been officially released and implemented some pretty nice RSS feed features , we should see RSS feeds become much more common place among "normal...
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IE 7 (Internet Explorer 7) has been released via Windows Update
Internet Explorer 7Microsoft Update has started installing the newest Internet Explorer 7. Well, over the weekend I was prompted to install Internet Explorer 7, so it looks like the mass update has begun.I've been using Internet Explorer 7 since the second beta came out on my development machines to make sure that...
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A New Wave of Spam
Junk Email (Spam)Nine out of Ten emails sent over the Internet are unsolicited, plain, old, ugly Spam.The New York Times recently ran an article about the increasing wave of E-mail Spam. The newest wave consists of penny stocks, new mortgage applications, bank account change notices, seemingly long lost friends, and...
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Yahoo Mail Servers Rejecting Email
Yahoo Bouncing Email - 451 ErrorIf you use Yahoo! mail as your main email account, you might not be receiving all of your emails. What is Yahoo thinking??? Recently Yahoo has started "greylisting extremely deprioritizing" almost every email that goes through their mail server. Greylisting This is a way of attempting to block...
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Better Links for Better Ranking
Linking and Search EnginesThe type, authority, quality, and quantity of links that link to your site is critical to great search engine placement. The Internet is based on links. Plain and simple. That is why we call it the world wide web. Pages interlinking between hundreds and thousands of other pages creating an enormous web...
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Unique Information Will Help You Get Better Rankings
Unique Content equals Better RankingsUnique content will help you rank better in the search engines. So you have a website and you want to rank well in the search engines. Well, you need to think about what you customers need and then define your unique value proposition. First if you don't understand your customers you will never do...
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The Power of the Title Tag in Rankings
Great Title TagsGive every page a unique title that is focused on that specific page's keywords. One of the main things that unknowing webmasters do is create pages that have all the same title. This happens because they do one of the following: tagThey use a template for their html and don't take the time to change...
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Four Steps to a Better Ranking in the Search Engines
Better RankingsFour basic things you can do now to improve your search engine rankings on Google, Yahoo, and Bing. The single question I am asked more often than any other is, "How can I rank better in the search engines." While there are thousands of different things that people can do to rank well, we have found...
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Problems with Too Many Designers
Too Many DesignersThe reason there are problems with having too many people involved in a web design. Recently there has been a bit of buzz about the problems associated with having too many people involved in a web design project. SEOmoz provided the following two graphs: Now this...
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Back to the Dark Ages of PageRank
White Hats Suffer in Recent Backlink UpdateThe June 2006 PageRank and Backlink update has left some white hat SEOs puzzled. Well another PageRank update has come and gone and unfortunately it took many links with it. We aren't sure yet (and Matt has yet to comment) as to the reason for this drop in the amount of pages displayed after using...
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IE 7 Embraces RSS With Great Functionality
Internet Explorer 7 RSS FeedThe new RSS feed reader in Internet Explored 7 (IE 7) has a number of really good features to facilitate better RSS feed reading. While there are many people worried about how quickly IE 7 will roll out (especially after all of the bugs people have been reporting lately). However, I would like to commend...
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You are Nothing without High-Quality Content
High Quality ContentYour webpages need high-quality content. Remember the dread of writing that 20 page research paper in high school? Although you don't need 20 single spaced, typed pages to get a good grade (or ranking) on the web, you do need two things:High-quality ContentAn Understanding of How People Read on...
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New Arrival for the Hayes Family
New DaughterWell my wife had her baby this morning. Here is the break down on the stats: 8 lbs. 14 1/2 ounces 21 inches long Girl Because she was a week and a half early, she did have some problems with her lungs. She had to be given serfactin to help her lungs keep...
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You Need a Better Strategy
A Better StrategyYou need a better strategy on the web.Although we have stressed this time and time again, people must be reminded that being on the web requires a very specific focus and strategy. Rachel McApline puts it this way:Hear my cry: FOCUS!When running a business on the web, you are forced to establish priorities....
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Four Thou Shalt Nots of the Web
Thou Shalt NotNo Spam, No Scam, No Scum, No SplatterAnother great piece of advice found in "Web Word Wizardry" by Rachel McAlpine is her four No's which is even more important today than when it was written:No SpamNo ScamNo ScumNo SplatterNo Spam We all know what spam is; all that junk you find in your inbox...
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Want a Simple Way to Save Time and Money?
Frequently Asked QuestionsSave money and time by adding a Frequently Asked Questions page to your website. I absolutely love how Rachel McApline describes how having a website can save you money and provide more efficient communication.Time saved is money saved is money gained. A well-organized, clearly written website can...
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Differences Between Natural Doorways and Bad Doorways
Doorway PagesDifferences between "natural doorway" pages and doorway pages that will get you banned from the search engines.Many people do not understand that you can have "multiple doorways" into your website. Not everyone is going to "come in" through the "front" homepage....
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A Goal for Every Page
Individual Web Page GoalsGet specific. And stick to it. I know we have spoken a lot about strategy and goals lately, but I can't stress how important it is to have a focus for your website. While reading "Web Word Wizardry" by Rachel McAlpine, she made a very good point. In a broad sense, every commercial web site...
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June 2006 Browser Stats
2006 Browser Stats
Browser stats for 2006 through June 15th. It has been interesting to see the changes that have happened in the past 6 months in relation to web browser usage. Here are the numbers for 2006 so far this year: Site 1 ...
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Internet Explorer 7 in Windows Update
Internet Explorer 7 in Windows UpdateAre you ready for the newest IE 7 (Internet Explorer 7)? Internet Explorer 7 (or IE 7 for short) will be a nice advance from where Internet Explorer has been for the past 5 years. Always being worried about cross-browser compatibility, I have been "pre-testing" sites in IE 7 to make sure...
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Hand Picked SERPs from MSN
MSN Handcrafted ResultsForget algorithms, get hand picked results from MSN. Please take this post with a grain of salt. While in reality found on the MSN site, it is highly likely that this is completely fake. However.... if you can type 149 words a minute, and know how to code in php, we might want to talk to you...hehehe....
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Client and Designer Roles in Web Design
Client and Designer RolesClients and web designers must understand their individual roles in making sure that a website will succeed. For a website to be effective, the business owner/representative and the web designer must work closely together to ensure that the business is presented in the best light possible on the web....
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Marriage Amendment Proposed in the Senate
Marriage Protection AmendmentThe marriage protection amendment will be discussed further in the Senate on Monday, June 5, 2006. Let your voice be heard. Although not a "normal topic", I felt that this should be brought to people's attention. There is a proposed amendment to the constitution being discussed in the...
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